The Pin rides the way it looks, all about drive and flow but with the option to use as a single, twin, tri or quad. the idea being to create a 70’s oriented planshape with a high performance double concave bottom shape while retaining all of those elements that the aesthetic’s would indicate. Each version would be ordered specifically as either a pure single, a single with side bites, a true twin fin or a five fin combo that allows for quad tri and twin options. The true twin option on the Pin model would have the fin positions further back than the front fins on the quad. However it would still work nicely as a twin with the front fin position of the quad if the twin fins being used had enough area and depth.
(All surfboards are only purchasable as custom orders and has to be ordered via the custom order page)
Foam type: Polyurethane(PU), Polystryrene(EPS)
Resin type: Polyester, Epoxy.
Fin system: FCS2, FCS fusions, Futures, Gearbox, Modii.
70 19 1/2 2 5/8 35.5 L
72 20 2 3/4 38.7 L
76 21 2 7/8 44.5 L
80 22 1/2 3 53 L

Dimension Options
The suggested dimensions can be varied in terms of length width and thickness within the limits of each model.